г. Казань,
ул.Сокола, д.3

Онлайн консультация по фотографии

Выберите удобный для Вас мессенджер и проведите консультацию с доктором


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The fifth and last step is characterization. We need to consider two properties of dentin (1 and 2) and three properties of enamel (3, 4, 5). Dentin and enamel should be personalized with a shade ranging from white to amber (1, 2, 3) and yellow to brown (4, 5). Numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 refer to the defined groups in accordance with the characteristics indicated on the reverse side of the Color Chart; Each number is represented by a color tone found in natural teeth. The letters WAYB represent tones characteristic of natural teeth (white, amber, yellow, brown). Reproduction composition weights: OW (clear white), IW (cool white), IM (milky white), OA (amber), SW (rich white), SY (rich yellow) and SB (rich brown). 1 and 3 - meet in the incisal third;


5-ASA preparations have very weak immunosuppressive activity. There are no reports that these drugs are associated with an increased risk of infection, and studies evaluating the safety profile of 5-ASA do not show an increased risk of serious or opportunistic infections. Treatment with 5-ASA should be continued without concern for an increased risk of infection or severe COVID-19. If the patient is in contact with a patient with COVID-19 or develops COVID-19, treatment with 5-ASA should be continued.

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При оплате полной суммы в течении 5 дней после первичной консультации.


Наши специалисты

It is the transition to the use of IPV in Ukraine for all doses of the Immunization Schedule that should be the next task for vaccination. For this, several mechanisms can be used, including humanitarian assistance, the conclusion of planned direct contracts with vaccine manufacturers based on the needs of the required composition of vaccines according to the Calendar, in particular, taking into account the existence of modern combined vaccines with IPV, which can also be used at an older age. In the absence of combination vaccines with IPV, IPV can be used as a single vaccine.

The occurrence and course of hypertension is closely related to the presence of its modified and unmodified risk factors: heredity, psychoemotional stress, smoking, unbalanced diet (excessive salt, saturated fat intake), excessive alcohol consumption, overweight and sedentary lifestyle.

Маджахедов  Иван Васильевич
Иван Васильевич
Главный врач клиники, стоматолог-ортодонт, стоматолог-ортопед, стоматолог терапевт.
Антон Игорович
Алексей Викторович
Стоматолог-хирург, стоматолог-терапевт

Лучшие предложения

Плазмолифтинг десен (5 процедур+чистка) 23 900 ₽

Профессиональная чистка + отбеливание 12 500 

Композитные виниры 6 800 

Элайнеры 83 200



г. Казань,
ул.Сокола, д.3

Будни 9:00 - 21:00

Суббота 10:00 - 18:00

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